Facility Planing and “Retrofit“


       Facility planning



Facility planning for new plants and upgrades "Retrofit"

In the initial phase of a project we are working very closely with the customer. With a careful and comprehensive analysis of the requirements of on-site situation and the budget, we are creating the basis for optimal plant design. Together with our customer we defined the goals to bring success for both sides.

Below you will find some plant designs with different performance potentials:




Actually, you already have your new machine!

Optimizing the production, new demands on quality or a new production location - there are many reasons why an existing concrete-block plant might be upgraded.

The efficient solution is REMANUFACTURING                                                                                                                                          

Reconstructing, modernizing and overhauling concrete-block plants including cycle systems of all manufacturers is one of our main competences. It ranges from reconstructing individual stations to the relocation and re-start of complete plants with parallel adaptation and modernization all around the world.

Our experience in realizing such projects creates an economical and temporal alternative to the investment in a new plant. This is a clear concept for a balanced cost-benefit relation.

technologies de préfabrication

Tel.:  +33 (0)4 11 75 60 41
IPMA logoCertified after IPMA, International Project Management Association for Project Management.